Thursday, August 27, 2020

Latin Numbers - The Ordinal or Ordered Numbers

Latin Numbers - The Ordinal or Ordered Numbers Latin ordinal numbers are requested numbers: as in other Indo-European dialects, they are descriptive words which allude to the request for a lot of items in a rundown. English ordinals are words like first, second, third, communicated in Latin primus, secundus, tertius. Conversely, cardinal numbers are things which disclose to you what number of items there are. Cardinal numbers in Latin are unus, team, tres; English renditions of those are one, two, three. Varieties The ordinal numbers in Latin are declined like first and second declension descriptive words. There are a few peculiarities to note: A few renditions of the numbers have a variable nearness of n before s and the two spellings are acceptablefor 21st in the ladylike, you may see una et vicesima twenty-first or the contracted structure unetvicesima. For different mixes, as in English, various writings utilize various forms. You may see the bigger number before the littler with no conjoining ​et or you may see the littler before with bigger isolated by the combination et. In this way, you may see either vicesimus quartus (twenty-fourth, with the et) or quartus et vicesimus (four and twenty, with the et). For 28th, the Latin ordinal number depends on taking 2 from 30 or duodetricensimus, similarly as the couple de 2 from goes before twentieth in the ordinal number for eighteenth: duodevicesimus. Primus Through Decimus The following are recorded the fundamental ordinal numbers in Latin with the Roman numeral relating to theirâ value and their English comparable. Roman Numeral | Ordinal | English TranslationI. | primus (- a, - um) | firstII. | secundus, adjust | secondIII. | tertius | thirdIV. | quartus | fourthV. | quintus | fifthVI. | sextus | sixthVII. | septimus | seventhVIII. | octavus | eighthIX. | nonus | ninthX. | decimus | tenth Undescimus Through Nonus Decimus Varieties are available in the Latin ordinals for tenth through nineteenth. On the off chance that that appears to be bizarre, review that English ordinals for (eleventh) and (twelfth) are shaped uniquely in contrast to higher ones (thirteenth through nineteenth). Roman Numeral | Ordinal | English TranslationXI. | undecimus | eleventhXII. | duodecimus | twelfthXIII. | tertius decimus or decimus et tertius | thirteenthXIV. | quartus decimus or decimus et quartus | fourteenthXV. | quintus decimus or decimus et quintus | fifteenthXVI. | sextus decimus or decimus et sextus | sixteenthXVII. | septimus decimus or decimus et septimus | seventeenthXVIII. | duodevice(n)simus, likewise octavus decimus | eighteenthXIX. | undevice(n)simus, likewise nonus decimus | nineteenth Air conditioning Deinceps Exortis et Superiora Loca Ordinals higher than twentieth follow indistinguishable examples and varieties from those found in first through nineteenth. Roman Numeral | Ordinal | English TranslationXX. | vice(n)simus | twentiethXXI. | unus et vice(n)simus, additionally vicesimus primus | twenty-firstXXII. | change et vice(n)simus or vicesimus secundus |â twenty-secondXXX. | trice(n)simus or trigesimus | thirtiethXL. | quadrage(n)simus | fortiethL. | quinquage(n)simus | fiftiethLX. | sexage(n)simus | sixtiethLXX. | septuage(n)simus | seventiethLXXX. | octoge(n)simus | eightiethXC. | nonage(n)simus | ninetiethC. | cente(n)simus | hundredthCC. | ducente(n)simus |â two-hundredthCCC. | trecentensimus | three-hundredthCCCC. | quadringentensimus |â four-hundredthD. | quingentensimus | five-hundredthDC. | sescentensimus | six-hundredthDCC. | septingentensimus | seven-hundredthDCCC. | octingentensimus | eight-hundredthDCCCC. | nongentensimus | nine-hundredthM. | millensimus | thousandthMM. | bis millensimus | two-thousandth

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