Monday, September 30, 2019

How does Mass Media affect people in society? Essay

So far, there’re various media for people to choose and access the information such as television, radio, Internet, or even mobile phone, consequently, media have a full capacity to set a social subject for mass audience to think and talk about. Often, media do not deliberately set the agenda and determine the pros and cons of that particular issue, so it repeatedly causes bad consequences towards public as well as establishes ‘moral panics’, which can sometimes lead to mob violence. The studies point that there is a correlation between violence on media and violent behavior. The reason that violent programs go well on the global market is violent imagery on television gets high ratings; therefore, producers are forced onto market to make a profit. But more significantly, television has taken the place of other forms of communication that at one time tied us together in families and communities, and gave us all the opportunity to participate in creating and passing along our cultural story. Since mass media as crucial vehicles to influence public opinion, the government is likely to control and dominate the press and broadcasting. There was a wide range of restrictions on reporting and in many countries in the region at the time, we had a number of governments that were authoritarian governments that used press control as one of their political tools. Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma, Laos, just to name a few; all had restrictions on their own domestic media, restrictions on foreign journalists working within those countries, and restrictions on what news could be sent out. As example in Malaysia, during the government of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, authorities controlled all major newspapers and broadcast outlets, ensuring a substantial degree of official influence over news published in the country. The only exception was the Internet, which had so far remained censorship-free. Additionally, under Malaysian law, authorities are required to screen foreign publications prior to their distribution in the country. For instance, Malaysian government blocked the distribution of some U.S. newsmagazines in 2002, apparently because the government considered some stories inaccurate and untrue, including reports on alleged links between the al-Qaeda terrorist network and groups in Malaysia. On the other side, Thailand, as the democratic society, is still in the criticism about the current Prime minister, Dr. Thaksin Shinawatra, regarding his policies and style of leadership whether they’re against the constitution and good moral or not particularly ‘War on Drugs’ policy. Furthermore, many people mentioned that he attempted to cover his critics by taking control of the country’s independent television station since 23 ITV staffs dismissed due to they â€Å"damaged the station’s reputation† by openly criticizing the station’s buyout by the Prime Minister. Not very long, the press violently reacted and declared that he was as dictator. Even more serious, some journalists believed that they were exposed to serious reprisals when they disclose the corruption of local authorities. Although Dr. Thaksin sharply uses media effect to structure individuals’ thinking and increase efficiency of mass communication for the governm ent, his propaganda shouldn’t be contrary to the legal constrains in terms of the right of expression. Media play an important role as a showcase that reveals trait of a certain area through outsiders. Obviously, when the press emphasizes on any topic and criticize people would be instantly interested in and rapidly spreading out till sometimes hardly cope with it. In conclusion, mass communication can affect cognitive change among individuals, mentally order and organize the world for us and also simply create conflict or violence among people in society. Therefore, authorities or interest groups who extremely control on media especially the government, television program producers and newspaper need a proper consideration for media use as well as being responsible for consequences.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ethnic Groups and Racism Essay

I. INTRODUCTION Race and ethnicity are important concepts in the field of sociology and are ones that are studied a great deal. Race plays a large role in everyday human interactions and sociologists want to study how, why, and what the outcomes are of these interactions. A race is a human population that is believed to be distinct in some way from other humans based on real or imagined physical differences. Racial classifications are rooted in the idea of biological classification of humans according to morphological features such as skin color or facial characteristics. An individual is usually externally classified (meaning someone else makes the classification) into a racial group rather than the individual choosing where they belong as part of their identity. Conceptions of race, as well as specific racial groupings, are often controversial due to their impact on social identity and how those identities influence someone’s position in social hierarchies. Ethnicity, while related to race, refers not to physical characteristics but social traits that are shared by a human population. Some of the social traits often used for ethnic classification include: nationality tribe religious faith shared language shared culture shared traditions Unlike race, ethnicity is not usually externally assigned by other individuals. The term ethnicity focuses more upon a group’s connection to a perceived shared past and culture. II. CONTENT/ CREATIVE REPORT  DEFINITION OF RACE AND ETHNICITY Race is a socially defined category, based on real or perceived biological differences between groups of people. Ethnicity is a socially defined category based on common language, religion, nationality, history or another cultural factor. Sociologists see race and ethnicity as social constructions because they are not rooted in biological differences, they change over time, and they never have firm boundaries. Example: White The distinction between race and ethnicity can be displayed or hidden, depending on individual preferences, while racial identities are always on display. THE SOCIOLOGICAL MEANING OF ETHNIC GROUPS AND RACISM The classification of people into races and ethnic groups carries deep implication on the social and political life of different racial and ethnic groups. These classifications led to the notion of racial superiority and racial inferiority, culturally advanced groups and culturally disadvantaged, the use of derogatory undertones and parody, apartheid policy, discrimination and prejudice, and stereotyping of groups of people. Ethnic conflicts have been regular process within the same territorial borders and among the nations of the world. Ethnic conflicts have been pervasive and dangerous because they cause massive humanitarian suffering, civil wars, and destabilizing effects. Sociologically, â€Å"race† refers to a group of people whom others believe are genetically distinct and whom they treat accordingly. This term is commonly used to refer to physical differences between people brought about by physical characteristics of genetic origin. This commonness of genetic heritage may be manifested in the shape of the head and face, the shape and color of the eyes, the shape of the nose, lips, and ears, the texture and color of the hair, the skin color, height, blood type and other physical characteristics. Among the significant racial categories studied by early social scientists were the Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid, and the subgroups of primary and derived races. Racial differences are seen as physical differences singled out by the community or society as ethnically significant. It is preferable to refer to ethnicity or ethnic groups rather than race for its historical and biological connotations. An ethnic group represents a number of persons who have a common cultural background as evidenced by a feeling of loyalty to a given geographical territory or leader, a feeling of identification with and unity among historical and other group experiences, or a high degree of similarity in social norms, ideas and material objects. Members of ethnic groups see themselves as culturally different from other groups in the society and are viewed by others to be so. SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF MEMBERSHIP IN RACIAL AND ETHNIC GROUPS Membership in racial and ethnic groups influences people’s social status and roles as they interact with others. Physical characteristics, especially skin color and certain distinctive cultural traits, complexes, and patterns, become badges for social and economic status. Frequently, they establish a person’s or groups position in the social stratification system and make up the foundation for prejudice, discrimination, and other forms of differential treatment. Furthermore, when an ethnic group becomes a target of discrimination, such group may utilize the unique physical or cultural traits as the rallying force for promoting common loyalties and enhancing collective action. When people’s definition of physical characteristics greatly affects their relationship, such definitions generally become interlinked with cultural differences. A classic example is the white man’s justification of his technological, economic, political and military superiority. Examples are such ideologies as the God-chosen race, the white man’s burden and more recently, the apartheid policy. Since the early days of the United States, Native Americans, African-Americans and European-Americans were classified as belonging to different races. But the criteria for membership in these races were radically different. For Africans, the government considered anyone with African appearance to be purely African. Native Americans, on the other hand, were classified based on a certain percentage of Indian blood. Finally, European-Americans had to have purely white ancestry. The differing criteria for assigning membership to particular races had relatively little to do with biology; it had far more to do with maintaining a group’s defined roles and position. Racial and ethnic membership leads to a sense of people-hood. By this, we mean a sense of identification with a relatively small segment of the world’s population- those who by virtue of common ancestry or heritage we consider â€Å"our own kind†. Erich Fromm wrote in 1941: â€Å"The identity with nature, clan, religion, gives the individual security. He belongs to, he is rooted in, structuralized whole in which he has an unquestionable place. He may suffer from hunger or suppression, but he does not suffer from worst of all pains- complete aloneness and doubt.† PATTERNS OF ETHNIC GROUP RELATIONS People who occupy a subordinate status are usually called a minority group. What determines a minority group is not the unique racial or ethnics traits nor their great number but the relationship of different groups in the society of which they are a part. A minority group, then is one that, because of the power of differences among the groups, is singled out for unequal treatment in the society. A minority refers to a group which, because of physical and cultural characteristics, occupies a subordinate position in the society and subjected to collective discrimination, in some cases, even segregation, oppression, slavery, peonage, military subjugation, religious persecution, and economic, political, educational, and social suppression. The patterns of ethnic group relations include the following: 1. Patterns of Racism a. Prejudice and discrimination Racism – is behavior that is motivated by the belief that one’s own group is superior to other groups that are set apart on the basis of physical characteristics Structural racism refers to inequalities built into an organization or system. An example of structural racism can be seen in recent research on workplace discrimination.[37] There is widespread discrimination against job applicants whose names were merely perceived as â€Å"sounding black.† These applicants were 50% less likely than candidates perceived as having â€Å"white-sounding names† to receive callbacks for interviews, no matter their level of previous experience. Prejudice – prejudged negative attitude or opinion about a group without bothering to  verify the merits of the opinion or judgment The relationship between prejudice and discrimination is complex. Robert Merton’s study and typology of the relationship between prejudice and discrimination Four patterns 1. Unprejudiced nondiscriminatory – integration 2. Unprejudiced and discriminatory – institutional discrimination 3. Prejudiced and nondiscriminatory – latent bigotry 4. Prejudiced and discriminatory – outright bigotry In his study, (1974), Bulatao listed impressions on some ethnic groups by respondents from five Philippine cities: Ilocanos and Chinese were viewed as most industrious, serious, thrifty; Tagalogs, progressive; Bicolanos and Cebuanos, humble, friendly, warm, and peaceful; Warays, lazy but strong; and Ilongos, proud and extravagant. b. Discrimination refers to the act of disqualifying or mistreating people on the basis of their group membership or on ascriptive rounds rationally irrelevant to the situation. Whereas prejudice is a state of mind, discrimination is actual behavior. Prejudice and discrimination work hand in hand to create and sustain racial and ethnic stratification, (Jarry J. 1987) THEORIES OF PREJUDICE Light gives the following explanations on the origin of prejudice: 1. Economic Theory- assumes that racial prejudice is a social attitude transmitted by the dominant ethnic majority class for the purpose of stigmatizing some group s as inferior so that the exploitation of the group resources will be justified. 2. Symbolic Theory- asserts that prejudice arises because a racial or ethnic group is a symbol of what people hate, fear, or envy. 3. Scapegoat theory- maintains that human beings are reluctant to accept their mistakes for their troubles and failures so they look for an ethnic-minority to shoulder the blame. 4. Social norm theory- asserts that ethnocentrism is a natural development of group living. Hatred and suspicion for the out-group are the standard and normal way of doing things, particularly in dealing with people. c. Stereotypes are often simplified and unsupported generalizations about others and are used indiscriminately for all cases. A few examples are Ilokano, â€Å"bantay kuako† (heavy smokers) and â€Å"kuripot† (stingy); Pampangueno, â€Å"dugong aso† (dog blood or traitors); Batangueno, â€Å"balisong† (knife-wielding); Bicolanos, â€Å"sili† ( pepper or hot people). 2. Patterns of Competition, Conflict and Domination When ethnocentric attitudes are coupled with intergroup competition for territory and scarce resources, an explosive social situation may arise. When two groups both strive for the same things- and they perceive their respective claims to be mutually exclusively and legitimate- the stage is set for conflict. In modern societies, the state has become the vehicle that enables one group to dominate and keep the other group subordinate. In sum, competition supplies the motivation for systems of stratification, and ethnocentrism directs competition along racial and ethnic lines, but power determines which group will subjugate the other (Noel, 1972; Barth and Noel, 1975). 3. Economic and Political Subjugation The economic takeover of one nation by a more powerful one and the subsequent political and social domination of the native population is called colonialism. If the takeover of one nation is trough the military superiority of the more powerful one for the purpose of territorial expansion and establishing colonies, it is termed as military colonialism. On the other hand, if the economic takeover is made through the great technological superiority of the more powerful one, the institutionalization of their businesses in their former colonies, the control and domination of most of a colony’s natural resources, the imposition of trade policies and economic treaties favorable to their side; the establishment of outlets for their surplus capital; the need for more cheap labor, raw materials, and markets to fuel their growing economy, the process is termed neo-colonialism or economic imperialism. 4. Displacement and Segregation of the Native Population Economic and political subjugation of a minority population by a more powerful group is not the only pattern of conquest that occurs when  different racial and ethnic group meet. Displacement of native population can be made possible through the influx of powerful settlers or invaders with their vastly superior weapons. It is typically found in areas rich in natural resources and similar in geography and climate to the homeland of the invading group. Displacement takes the following forms: a.) by attrition, that is, numbers of the weaker group may die of starvation or disease either deliberately or not; b.) by population transfer; and c.) by genocide- deliberate and ruthless extermination of the weaker group. Segregation involves the enactment of laws and/or customs that restrict or prohibit contact between groups. Segregation may be ethnic or racial or based on sex or age. 5. Patterns of Accommodation and Tolerance Interracial and interethnic accommodation can be carried out through miscegenation or amalgamation- the intermarriage of members of the majority and minority groups. This can result in the blending of their various customs and values and the creation of a new cultural hybrid. This involves a cultural and biological blending in which the customs and values of both groups are to some extent preserved and their biological characteristics appear in the offspring. 6. Patterns of Acculturation and Assimilation Acculturation and assimilation are two very important concepts in sociology and anthropology that describe cross cultural effects on both minorities as well as majorities in societies that are multi ethnic and multi cultural in nature. Assimilation is a broader concept as described by sociologist Jean Piaget and refers to the manner in which people take new information. There are many people who think of the two concepts as same and even use them interchangeably. If you belong to a minority community in a country and retain your own culture but cannot remain isolated and are affected by the majority culture in such a way that you adapt to some aspects of the majority culture, the process is referred to as acculturation. Assimilation is a process whereby people of a culture learn to adapt to the ways of the majority culture. There is a loss of one’s own culture as a  person gives more value to the cultural aspects of the majority community in the process of assimilation. What is the difference between Acculturation and Assimilation? †¢ Meeting of cultures always produces results in terms of changes in both the cultures, and acculturation and assimilation refer to two important and different changes in these cultures. †¢ Assimilation refers to the process where some of the majority community’s cultural aspects are absorbed in such a manner that the home cultural aspects get mitigated or lost. †¢ Acculturation is a process where the cultural aspects of the majority community are adapted without losing the traditions and customs of the minority community. †¢ Minority culture changes in the case of assimilation whereas it remains intact in the case of acculturation. 7. Patterns of cultural Pluralism or Ethnic Diversity Cultural pluralism refers to the coexistence of different racial or ethnic groups each of which retains its own cultural identity and social structural networks, while participating equally in the economic and political systems. (Light, 1985) In pluralistic society, each group retains its own language, religion and customs, and its members tend to interact socially primarily among themselves. Yet all jointly participate in the economic and political systems and live in harmony and peaceful â€Å"coexistence†. A prime example of such an arrangement can be found in Switzerland. There, people of German, French, and Italian heritage preserve their distinct cultural ways while coexisting peacefully and equally. No one group enjoys special privileges or is discriminated against. ETHNIC GROUPS IN THE PHILIPPINES Ethnic groups in the Philippines are classified according to certain physical, cultural, linguistic, religious and geographic criteria. A. According to distinctive physical traits 1. The Negritoes who are regarded as the aborigines of the Philippines. 2. The Indonesian- Malayan stock which is predominant among the Filipinos. 3. The Chinese who make up the largest national group. 4. The Americans and the Spaniards, and a few other Europeans who came as  colonizers. B. According to cultural standpoints 1. Cultural minorities or cultural communities 2. Muslims 3. Christian groups C. According to linguistic groupings PANAMIN reports that there are about 87 ethno linguistic groups in the Philippines-e.g., Tagalog, Ilokano, Waray, Hiligaynon, Kapampangan, Ilonggo, etc. D. According to religion 1. Roman Catholics 2. Muslims 3. Aglipayans 4. Protestants 5. Iglesia ni Cristo 6. Buddhists 7. Jehovah’s witnesses 8. Other religious sects. E. Muslims of Southern Philippines The Muslims make up the largest single non-Christian group. They have nine ethno-linguistic groups, namely: 1. Taosug 2. Maranao 3. Maguindanao 4. Samal 5. Yakan 6. Sanggil 7. Badjao 8. Molbog 9. Jama Mapun From the Spanish regime to the present, Muslim and Christian intergroup  relationships have been characterized by animosity and suspicion. This has been expressed in the Muslims’ ongoing resentment of Christian settlers and attempts at secession to form an independent Mindanao. Muslim revolutionary groups the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the Bangsai Moro Liberation Front (BMLF) want Mindanao, Sulu, and Palawan to secede from the Philippines. THE CULTURAL COMMUNITIES AND THE CHRISTIAN FILIPINOS The non-Christian Filipinos now known as cultural communities make up 10% of the total national population. They have maintained their culture in their clothes, art, religion, ethnic dialect, customs, traditions and other superficial differences. There are 77 major ethno-linguistic groups in the Philippines. III. GROUP REFLECTION Within sociology, the terms race, ethnicity, minority, and dominant group all have very specific and different meanings. To understand the sociological perspective on race and ethnicity, it is important to understand the meanings of these concepts. An ethnic group is a social category of people who share a common culture, such as a common language, a common religion, or common norms, customs, practices, and history. Ethnic groups have a consciousness of their common cultural bond. An ethnic group does not exist simply because of the common national or cultural origins of the group, however. They develop because of their unique historical and social experiences, which become the basis for the group’s ethnic identity. For example, prior to immigration to the United States, Italians did not think of themselves as a distinct group with common interests and experiences. However, the process of immigration and the experiences they faced as a group in the United States, including dis crimination, created a new identity for the group. Some examples of ethnic groups include Italian Americans, Polish Americans, Mexican Americans, Arab Americans, and Irish Americans. Ethnic groups are also found in other societies, such as the Pashtuns in Afghanistan or the Shiites in Iraq, whose ethnicity is base on religious differences. Like ethnicity, race is primarily, though not exclusively, a socially constructed category. A race is a group that is treated as distinct in society based on certain characteristics. Because of their biological or cultural characteristics, which are labeled as inferior by powerful groups in society, a race is often singled out for differential and unfair treatment. It is not the biological characteristics that define racial groups, but how groups have been treated historically and socially. Society assigns people to racial categories (White, Black, etc.) not because of science or fact, but because of opinion and social experience. In other  words, how racial groups are defined is a social process; it is socially constructed. A minority group is any distinct group in society that shares common group characteristics and is forced to occupy low status in society because of prejudice and discrimination. A group may be classified as a minority on the basis of ethnicity, race, sexual preference, age, or class status. It is important to note that a minority group is not necessarily the minority in terms of numbers, but it is a group that holds low status in relation to other groups in society (regardless of the size). The group that assigns a racial or ethnic group to subordinate status in society is called the dominant group. There are several sociological theories about why prejudice, discrimination, and racism exist. Current sociological theories focus mainly on explaining the existence of racism, particular institutional racism. The three major sociological perspectives (functionalist theory, symbolic interaction theory, and conflict theory) each have their own explanations to the existence of racism. Functionalist theorists argue that in order for race and ethnic relations to be functional and contribute to the harmonious conduct and stability of society, racial and ethnic minorities must assimilate into that society. Assimilation is a process in which a minority becomes absorbed into the dominant society – socially, economically, and culturally. Symbolic interaction theorists look at two issues in relation to race and ethnicity. First, they look at the role of social interaction and how it reduces racial and ethnic hostility. Second, they look at how race and ethnicity are socially constructed. In essence, symbolic interactionists ask the question, â€Å"What happens when two people of different race or ethnicity come in contact with one another and how can such interracial or interethnic contact reduce hostility and conflict?† The basic argument made by conflict theorists is that class-based conflict is an inherent and fundamental part of society. These theorists thus argue that racial and ethnic conflict is tied to class conflict and that in order to reduce racial and ethnic conflict, class conflict must first be reduced.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

American History X

In this same scene he also shows views of white supremacy because he states that minorities come to America only to exploit it as opposed to establishing themselves as â€Å"model citizens†. As the movie progresses, it is established that Vineyard is part of an actual white supremacist organization known as the D. O. C. This is where the concept of ethnocentric beliefs is displayed. The group believes that whites are the supreme beings and that other minorities are at their feet. They believe that the government shows no concern for Americans that are down and out, but will rush to help out illegal immigrants. They carry out racist acts throughout the movie. The first one that they perform is the raiding of a grocery store. The D. O. C. enters the market and begins to beat any person of color insight while also screaming derogatory statements. This is followed by a dinner scene where another character tries to bring reason to high criminal rates of African Americans as social inequalities. This scene highlights more racism in that Vineyard is trying to validate his thoughts that the black race are naturally criminals, but he is quickly shot down by people around the table who are able to refute his claims. It eventually escalates and he attacks his own sister. This is the first scene that also displays his anti-Semitic views. It was clear that he did indeed have them by having swastikas tattooed on him, but he verbally assaults a Jewish man with derogatory terms and stereotypes. The most important sociological concept is primary socialization. This is what is at the root of the main characters whole being. This is essentially what helped spark the views and hatred that he had developed. The father is sitting at the same dinner table as seen in a previous scene as he begins to show his prejudice views. The father first starts out by referring to affirmative action as â€Å"affirmative blacktion†. He also warns his son not to swallow everything this black teacher is teaching him. He eventually wraps the conversation up by referring to it as â€Å"Nigger Bullshit† and forewarning him to be careful. This is the most significant scene because the concept of primary socialization is seen in full effect. For the film American History X, there is no clear protagonist or antagonist because the character goes through a transformation throughout the film. He begins the story as the antagonist, but later reforms himself to a more protagonist type character. Due to this transformation, the antagonist would have to be the head of the D. O. C. This is because he is exploiting the youth and pushing his views on to them. He capitalizes on kids who struggle and living unhappily by placing blame on minorities. He teaches them white supremacy and makes claims that minorities have to be dealt with accordingly. Now he doesn’t call for any drastic action, but by creating prejudice within teens will only end in an extremist type individual. The reason why I feel that the main character, Vineyard, is the protagonist is because after jail he tries to right his wrongs. He tries to make his brother see that the life he had once lead was not right and at the same time formally tells the leader that he wants no part of the organization anymore. Granted he once was the antagonist, but the plot sets up a battle within the character. He chose to change his ways as he served time and rid himself of the racist views that he once preached. This film is beneficial and could be used for educational purposes. This is because it shows that preconceived notions can eventually disappear. Views of prejudice and hatred can be absolved and a person does not have to continue down the road they once went. It can help educate the youth by showing them how easily it is to be influenced and the consequences of accepting views pushed on you. It will help people become more independent and free thinkers.

Friday, September 27, 2019

What role did women play in the Solidarity Movement during Communism Research Paper

What role did women play in the Solidarity Movement during Communism in Poland - Research Paper Example The thesis of the research to be undertaken is the assessment of the role that women played in the Solidarity Movement during Communism in Poland, particularly how they helped in abolishing Communism in Poland. The proposed research can prove to be significant to the government in establishing the potential in women as leaders and to artists as it can enable them make proper and informed judgments when depicting women’s resistance of communism in their works. In addition, it can provide students with useful information on the significance of women in abolishing of communism in Poland while scholars would have established research to further explore or expand upon the dethroning of communism in Poland. In a personal interview on December 22, 2000 by Levy and his co-authors, Biedak asserts that on introduction of the martial law, the military that took over rounded up and arrested most of the Solidarity’s leaders at a time they had come together for a significant meeting. They paid little attention to women in arresting them since their work, as the support staff of the men who signed their names to articles and made the speeches, was largely invisible. Having escaped arrest, seven women two days later undertook the first steps in the lengthy protest march that dethroned communism in Poland in the 1980s. They started Solidarity over as an underground organization and took upon themselves the crucial obligation of preserving its authority and voice thus preventing its vanishing. In their first meeting, while six of them sat down to find the way forward, one of them by the name Ewa Kulik, who Penn personally interviewed, took on the responsibility of contacting and finding any of the elected Solidarity leaders who managed to escape arrest. She found Kulerski first, then Bujak, both of whom had been hiding in homes in Ursus (Penn, 2006). During the time when the male leadership was

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Community corrections Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Community corrections - Essay Example Moreover, people in society may not take kindly to having different criminals in their midst, especially if some of them were convicted for having committed certain crimes. In a bid to assist members of society reduce such risks; it is crucial for them to handle the criminals with care (Latessa & Smith, 2011). This can be done through the provision of a strict schedule for offenders. Offenders released on community corrections programs must adhere to a strict routine where they must report to the groups involved regularly. In doing so, they can be seen as trying to adhere to the laws and rules laid out before them for the sake of every group involved. Moreover, the programs that most offenders are given may give them the necessary rehabilitation program they need. Monitoring alone may not be enough, but combining monitoring with programming may be crucial in reducing the risks posed (Latessa & Smith, 2011). These programs need to suit the offender and their immediate needs in order to make them feel as part of the larger community. Acceptance may be the final key in the release process. Although community members may have reservations about offenders, accepting them may be the final stage in reducing the recidivism rate among them. All these work toward providing offenders with a chance a t changing into law-abiding citizens as the correctional system

Housing issues and housing solutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Housing issues and housing solutions - Essay Example The residential facilities are poorly repaired and maintained and the security in the locality is compromised. This has seen several tenants shift to other residential facilities not managed by the firm. This discourse is an advice to Riverslake Housing Association in its housing management strategies. Involving tenants in vital decision making in matters regarding housing estate management have proven to be of great importance. For instance, In Tamworth, Landlord Services Tenancy agreement was reviewed on consulting the tenants and it is one of the best agreements ever achieved. Tenants also participated in the initiation of Housing Revenue account (HRA) and this has been helpful to both the tenants and the landlords. Such involvement also saw the launch of various projects dubbed ‘plant a pot’ and ‘Grow your own’ and these are meant to conserve the environment and create a sense of belonging among the tenants. Furthermore, ‘the love where you live’ and ‘BIG Tidy Up’ campaigns has resulted to clean living environments and united tenants, this would not be achieved if every decisions were made by the housing estate managers. Consulting tenants ensures that services provided are accordance to the tenants needs. Tenants would be exact or precise on their wishes and needs and this would help the housing estate managers save time and resources to fix specific areas as per the tenants needs. Furthermore, this would retain the existing tenants and attract more as there wishes and needs are well taken care of. Major housing management firms in California opted to involve their tenants in major decision making and this increased their income by 12% according to the report dubbed, ‘involving tenants’ This encourages them to pay their dues or rent in good time and this advantageous to the housing managers (Audit

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

A4 - Essay Example The Canons was prepared by a joint committee through the sponsorship of the Engineers’ Council for Professional Development, a coordinating body of technical engineering societies. It was published in January 1947, with a revision published in November of the same year, in the American Engineer. In 1948, the Board adopted a motion to encourage state societies to adopt the Canons as amended. In 1952 and 1957, the Board adopted Rules of Ethical Conduct and the Rules of Professional Conduct, respectively, to support the Canons. Then in June 1964, the Board adopted the National Society for Professional Engineers’ (NSPE’s) Code of Ethics to replace the Canons of Ethics for Engineers and Rules of Professional Conduct. The succeeding years saw several adjustments in the Code intended to attune its provisions to the developing environment. The more recent and pertinent additions to the Code were introduced in January 2003 and January 2006. The 2003 incorporation was a new section that reads: "Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers and should keep current in their specialty fields by engaging in professional practice, participating in continuing education courses, reading in the technical literature and attending professional meetings and seminars." The new section was important in that it made it the duty of every professional engineer to keep his training and knowledge current with new developments. The 2006 addition to the Code is section (III.2.d.) which reads: "Engineers shall strive to adhere to the principles of sustainable development1 in order to protect the environment for future generation." While earlier amendments dealt with the formal relationships among engineers, their clients, colleagues, society and their profession, the 2006 amendment is the first vital

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Putnam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Putnam - Essay Example I do believe that people still talk of divorce "in an almost pious reverence", but this I believe is bound to change since divorce is continuously becoming so common. The time will come when divorce will be talked about openly and sadly will be seen as a normal day-to-day happening in society. Putnam based his claims on the fact that he feels he still can depend on his parents although he gets to spend time with them separately. He has found resolution in his family's situation of which he has quaintly expressed when he wrote that "The safest environment for me was to be with one happy parent at a time, instead of two miserable ones all the time." I find the discussions in his essay convincing and supportive on his claim on what the divorce of his parents has done for him. He was able to present negative implications of the divorce and at the same time presented a clear understanding and acceptance of his living situation "with two houses to call home." 4.) Putnam has several warrants, some of them stated explicitly and some implied.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business and Economics Statistic A Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business and Economics Statistic A - Essay Example You are primarily interested in quantifying what factors could affect the household electricity consumption. The environmental group provided a data set that contained the information of 50 randomly selected households in Western Sydney. The data are recorded in an EXCEL file that is presented below. Q1a(8marks)   The leader of the environmental group suspects that homes (referred to as population 1) consume more electricity than units (referred to as population 2). Perform a hypothesis test to validate such suspicion. You must clearly state your null and alternative hypothesis, your conclusions, and the related output that lead to your conclusions. Use ?=0.05.   Q1a. (Answer) The homes in population 1 are thought to be using more electricity than the units in population 2. This thought of the leader of the environmental group is taken as an alternate hypothesis. Thus, recording the weekly values of electricity consumption it can be said that, Alternate hypothesis: Ha = HOUSES CO NSUME MORE ELECTRICITY THAN UNITS. Null hypothesis: H0 = HOUSES AND UNITS BOTH CONSUME EQUAL AMOUNTS OF ELECTRICITY. It can also be said that, H0 :  µ1 =  µ2 Ha :  µ1 >  µ2 Where, H0 – Null Hypothesis. Ha – Alternate Hypothesis.  µ1 – Mean Of Houses’ Electricity Consumption Value.  µ2 – Mean Of Units’ Electricity Consumption Value. It is given that, ? = 0.05. ... or two samples with unequal variances Consumption)    Population 1 Population 2 Mean 153.72 126.36 Variance 1431.46 1864.823333 Observations 25 25 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0 Df 47 t Stat 2.382724498 P(T

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Illusion of free will Essay Example for Free

Illusion of free will Essay In our society, free will is something that is ingrained in our set of beliefs that every citizen of the world should possess. We generally believe that we possess free will because of the choices we make on a day-to-day basis that is generally not forced upon by any direct outside force like in a totalitarian society out of a science-fiction story: the decision of whether or not to go to school in the morning, or finishing an essay at the last minute or allowing the grade to drop for an extra day are excellent examples of my view of free will. In Paul Halbach’s â€Å"The Illusion of Free Will†, he systematically attempts to debunk the debate between the combating theories of free will and hard determinism. He conveys his argument by stating that determinism and free will are incompatible with one another: one cannot exist if the other is true. If he can thoroughly prove that determinism is true, then free will would be deemed incapable with the human condition which we must accept. Holbach breaks down his strategy into two parts, the first of which he explains how the thought process and decision making of human beings are complex, yet mechanical, which boils down to the fight of competing desires. Lastly, he attacks different views on actions people would normally view as explanations of free will. Holbach believes that the human mind makes decisions based on the laws of nature governing the person’s environment; the upbringing, culture, surroundings and countless situations a person has experienced are what determines his or her way of thinking. The causal effects of everything around a man is always what governs every decision he makes, as Holbach states that â€Å"he always acts according to necessary laws from which he has no means of emancipating himself† (Holback 439). He uses the example of presenting a parched man being presented with a fountain and wants to drink from it. Upon realizing that the water in it has been poisoned, the man can still choose whether or not to drink from it. Not drinking the water upon realization of its impurity is a voluntary choice to resist the urge to quench his thirst, although it still stems from the same desire of self-preservation. Regardless of if he does or does not is not of importance because of the prevailing motive behind making either decision, proving that every action one takes is predetermined by an impulse involuntarily generated based on the man’s upbringing and experiences which creates his sense of morals, beliefs, and self-worth, none of which he has any power of influencing. If this is the case, then determinism is true, and free will is only an illusion.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effect Of Globalisation: Educational Policy

Effect Of Globalisation: Educational Policy Globalisation is a buzzword nowadays and it is often claimed as a natural process by many views especially from popular media. Globalisation is inevitable to a nation. Different nation may have different response and effect of globalisation. Many sectors are affected either in good or bad ways due to globalisation and one of the examples is in education sector. In this article, I wish to discuss the effect of globalisation on educational policy, especially in Malaysian context. Globalisation is not restricted to a definition; it can be define in many ways depending from which views it is seen. In my point of view, globalisation is a process where the world is shrinking, becoming borderless and viewed as a sense of global wholeness and unity. Globalisation made everything becomes easier and it has led to great changes in many sectors since hundred years ago. However, it has speeded up over the last century due to the presence of advance technology in communication. The usage of emails and internet are the example of globalisation where global communication takes place almost instantneous. According to Bottery (2006), globalisation can be defined as the planet is viewed as a whole and the speed of communication had shrunk it over the last few centuries. Many theorists and authors generally define globalisation a process involving the movement of the worlds people, images, technologies, finance including trade, money, and capital, and ideas, such as practices concerning states and other institutional policies. ( Globalisation is said to be marked by speedy, free movement of people, services, capital, goods, ideas and knowledge across borders. Some people believed globalisation is a negative phenomenon which affects the world in many ways. One of the common problems that are always associated to globalisation is environmental problems. To name a few, global warming, ozone depletion and imbalance ecology system are the impact of globalisation, specifically environmental globalisation. Another example of destructive globalisation impact; cultural globalisation is seen as the cause of losing ones culture and language since everyone is adapting and practising the dominant culture. McDonald is the example of recent dominant culture as a result of cultural globalisation. Despite the negative affect of globalisation, another group of people agree that globalisation has given advantages to the world, where people get more connected and informed than ever before. Looking from cultural globalisation, Bottery states it provides cultural variety in one location to eat virtually any national dish, attend any religious ceremony, and lis ten to any kind of music. These varieties, as claims by Bottery provide education with different windows through which new perspectives are gained. Besides that, cultural globalisation too offers access to different beliefs and approaches to life, and be a real force for spiritual growth (Bottery, 2006). On top of that, globalisation is not solely focuses on the advance of technology, Bottery (2006) in his article claims globalisation includes environmental globalisation, cultural, demographic, political, American and economic globalisation and it is a continuous process whether human being recognised or not. He then added that the process of globalisation affects nation states, generate policy mediations and have direct impact upon educational institutions. To conclude, different types of globalisation put different tensions to the world. However, the different types of globalisation interact and influence one another in diverse ways, creating a more complex and difficult world to live on. Education Education is ranked among the main concern of nation-states as it is playing a remarkable role in shaping and preparing children for the future in an increasingly globalised world. In fact, much money is spent on education as a public service due to its importance. To achieve the aims of education, traditionally, nation-states developed their education policy in regards to what they saw as important to their nation. However, in recent context, education policy is seen beyond the nation-states, it is become internationalised to the dominance of the global economy over the national politics. Within the wider context of globalization, education is now regarded as an international service, playing a remarkable mission in the global economy with investment in people, skills and knowledge. Simply, it argues that education policy nowadays is formed and implemented in a global context. The improvement of education policy recently is also due to global competitiveness, due to invent human cap ital discourse which is economically competitive to other nations. In such global context, improving global competitiveness has been targeted by nation-states education policy. This is due to invent human capital discourse which is economically competitive to other nations. ( According to Mundy, many countries have become more competitive by working hard to enhance the productivity of the domestic labour force which can be accomplished by introducing new educational policies, programs and reforms that prepare children to compete in the global labour force. He later added; despite benefitting the education, the competiveness among these nation-states enhancing the production of new education polices with full of value. In fact, many studies have confirmed that there have been new education policies that introduce reforms in curriculum, pedagogy and evaluation, seeking to boost competitiveness among nation-states. Examples of these reforms are engagement in international comparisons of test performance, national curriculum and productive pedagogies Rizvi and Lingard [41] confirm that globalization has reformed and redesigned the educational policy terrain. Effect The process of globalization has deeply shifted and changed the ways in which education policies are developed, implemented and evaluated as globalization has witnessed the reworking of the nation-state; the site at which public policy was most commonly created. Positive effect It is no doubt that globalisation leads to a better education policy. This is due to education is a vital part to help a nation to compete with other nations. The role of education has changed in most common nation-state as they realised the importance of giving proper education to the people which eventually helped the economic growth of the nation. For example, recent finding in India states that Indian Education System has increased fourteen-fold in terms of the number of universities and thirty three-fold in terms of the number of colleges, in comparison to the number at the time of Independence ( As a developing country, Malaysia too undergoes changes in education policy to meet the need of this globalised world. The colonisation of British in Malaysia left long lasting effect to the deviations of Malaysian education policy, which is continuously changing until today. Traditionally, education in Tanah Melayu started as a private enterprise which is mainly concerned in producing man with means of knowledge and skills for his well-being and for his salvation in the hereafter. The education system in Tanah Melayu then changed as the British needs skilled people to work for them in order to exploit the economy in Tanah Melayu thus the British colonial provides the school for locals. When the British colonized Malay, they instituted an education system in all of the colonies with the purpose of helping the natives to maintain traditional life and to prevent social unrest through restricted education (Hooker, 2003). In fact, the British limited education to creating better fisherme n and farmers, because the British worried that an over-educated population might rebel against colonial rule (Hashim, 1996).( This is the starting point of revolution in education policy in Malaysia, where economic sector is the biggest influence to the change. Education is an important tool in supporting the infrastructure of a country, hence having a reliable education system is critical to the success of developing countries in a global economy (Tableman, 2007). ( Much said globalization is synonymous with the opening of national borders to the international flow of goods, services, raw materials and resources, information and technology, and human resources. In the last three decades, East Asia has been reported to experience a period of economic development which has been described as unprecedented and miraculous (World Bank, 1994). Economic growth and educational expansion is closely related, and these two aspects are also linked to state formation and developmental state. It is supported by Green (2002), the coincidence in East Asia countries of economic advance with educational expansion clearly suggests a close relationship between the two. For example, it has been reported that in Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan, the economic development grew eight per cent a year, which is way faster than other region on the world (Green, 2002). Generally, the enrolment rates in secondary school were below 50 per cent in each country in th e early 60s, however, these four countries have undergone enormous expansion in education, where each of the countries had quite high levels of basic education. In fact, Taiwan and South Korea now have among the highest rates of upper secondary completion in the world, and a large proportion of those who complete go on to higher education (Green, 2002). (ENGLISH AS DOMINANT LANGUAGE : In response to economic recession in 1997 in Malaysia, the Malaysian government took a few drastic actions to reform the economy in Malaysia. The needs for more graduates and k-workers who could speak English well and who are able to work in multinational companies were listed as important strategies. To meet such needs, the government reversed the English language policy in schools. Beginning 2003, the medium of instruction for Math and Science subjects started to be taught in English. Having, at least, a credit in English in the national school examination would be an advantage for students to be accepted at public universities. Now English becomes a second language in Malaysia again. In fact, the last Malaysian Prime Minister revealed that 94% of unemployed graduated in the country are Malays and they are unable to procure jobs because industrial jobs called for a high English language competency. ( lobalization+on+education+in+malaysiaots=KNH2yfoWDUsig=odAIpeFxJyJmIwMCY1hdrhvx4sc#v=onepageqf=false) Indeed, with the advancement of technology in the classrooms, the way students learn English in Malaysia may not be the same as it was before. ( However, there is complicated issue regarding the usage of English language to teach Math and Science, the policy is reverted to using Malay and English to teach both subjects. Despite the issue, it is remarkable that English language is an important language for people to compete, as most of the trade commodity use English to communicate. As a developing country, Malaysia needs to focus on the aspect of lifelong learning, which is essential to meet the changes in the demand for more knowledge workers, especially in producing skilled workers. In the area of higher education, universities have become factors of the competitive advantage of nations (Porter, 1998). To obtain and sustain competitive advantage in various industries, the higher education is the main locus that moves economies forward, and the primary means of educating and generating the talent or human capital. Besides that, due to the same fact to boost world economies, universities have become more self-consciously global, especially universities of the advanced nations, looking for students from around the world who represent the entire spectrum of cultures and values, besides sending their own students abroad in educational exchange programmes to prepare them for global careers. Some of the universities also offering courses of study that address the ch allenges of an interconnected world and collaborative research programs to advance science for the benefit of all mankind. As a consequence, the forces of shaping higher education cause the movement of people across the border. Students travel from one developed nation to another, and from developing or less-developed to the developed countries to seek good education. ( The preamble to the Malaysian Education Act 1996 states that education plays a vital role in achieving the countrys vision of attaining the status of a fully developed nation in terms of economic development, social justice, and spiritual, moral and ethical strength ( The economic globalisation has affected Malaysian higher education policy where in 1995, the Malaysian government reversed its opposition to private universities and encouraged private sector investment in higher education. However, the private sector including foreign providers is strictly regulated. Malaysia instead legislated to maintain governmental control over the emerging private higher education sector in order to make it meet what the government sees as the cultural and economic needs of the nation. According to Ward and Eden (2009), for education, neo-liberal economics means introducing the kind of competition which makes private business success ful. Neo-liberals want a free-market in education, making education as commodity which is bought and sold; schools are the providers and parents and children the consumers or customers. In the 1990s not only private universities and colleges are liberalised, many private schools and international schools are also built. Now, foreign capitals are allowed to hold up to 49% of the shares in any private educational company. Branch campuses of foreign universities are allowed, in fact attracted to set up in Malaysia. ( By 2000, there were 11 public higher educational institutions, 7 private universities, 3 foreign university branch campuses, and more than 400 private colleges approved by the Malaysian government (Challenger Concept, 2000). Most of the private institutions offer their own diplomas as well as foreign-linked degree programs, some of which require students to complete one or more years of study overseas while others can be completed entirely in Malaysia. Some of these colleges, such as Taylors College, are foreign-owned. With the money flows through this education commodity, the economy of the country will develop greatly. However, one question remain, is this liberalization, globalization and privatization of education good for Malaysians, especially the poor. It is clear that the poor cannot afford to go to private school which requires high fees. For example, one of secondary schools in Malaysia, known as Saad Foundation College, the fees required for a year is about RM 41 000 (equivalent to 8200 GBP). That is a big amount of money compared to average salary of working class people in Malaysia. It is said that private school serves better place to educate the students, for example private schools have much smaller classes, much better student-teacher interaction, excellent extra curricular activities; we take the children out of the school and into the community and we even teach several languages like French, Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin. Although private school is good for students lifelong lear ning, it is a disadvantage to the poor, where they have no chance to have the same kind of education and is always lacking. Tooley concludes in his recent report Could Globalization of Education Benefit the Poor? That: The argument began, first by showing that there are private schools available to, and patronized by, the poor in developing countries. Second, there is evidence showing that these schools are offering poor parents and children a better deal, educationally-speaking, than the state alternative. Teachers in the private schools, in particular, the research has suggested, show a much greater commitment to teaching than in the government schools. These two considerations suggest that private education in itself could be beneficial to the poor. ( Economic globalisation has affect education greatly. Higher education is swept up in global marketisation. It trains the executives and technicians of global businesses; the main st udent growth is in globally mobile degrees in business studies and computing; the sector is shaped by economic policies undergoing partial global convergence, and the first global university market has emerged. ( Globalization is also affecting methods of educational delivery and support. Traditional classroom delivery is now enhanced with electronic learning support. Online courses, virtual classrooms and Web-based tutorials are some delivery methodologies for distance education across borders as a result of globalization. In fact, using ICT in education is inevitable as ICT has changed the way businesses and industries are conducted and influenced the way people work, interact and function in society (UNESCO, 2002). ICT has become common place at home, at work, and in educational institutions (Kirkup Kirkwood, 2005). The use of ICT, including the Internet at home and work places, has increased exponentially (McGorry, 2002). Explosion of knowledge and information in the era of information technology has somehow helped the globalization of education. The introduction of computers and internet and other technology-mediated learning through the use of VCD, CD-Rom, Email, E-Chat, database, webpage, LMS, digital library, etc have helped in the dissemination of information and knowledge to millions around the world ( Due to this fact, Malaysia is trying to integrate the use of ICT in education, besides to bridge the gap within the global trend as other countries have long developed the policy of ICT in education. The development of the Policy on ICT in Education in Malaysia is underlying of four major pillars; Human Capital, Budget, Digital Learning Resources and Infrastructure. One of the examples the implementation of ICT in Malaysian Education policy is the launching of Smart school. The objective of the smart school Flagship Application is The Smart School is a learning institution that has been reinvented in terms of teaching and learning methods and school administration system in order to prepare the students for the Information-Based Society. Creativity and better management of information is facilitated through the use of technology where students, teachers, administrators and parents are better prepared for the challenges of the information Age. The Smart School applications brings the benefit of technology to the educators and administrators. These also allow the young to get familiar with the ICT world using tools such as personal computers, scanners, printers, multimedia products, TV/videos, etc. at a much earlier stage in life. They get to appreciate the power of the Internet and multimedia applications, which can make learning more interesti ng and enriching. This will in turn result in them becoming more technology savvy ( Smart School is not just about ICT intervention in teaching and learning. The national curriculum and pedagogy are given the highest importance, with the role of teachers, administrators, parents and the community enhanced in the education of the Malaysian students. Individuality, creativity and initiative amongst the students are prioritised. However, ICT is critical in making the teaching and learning processes easier, more fun and effective, as well as making communication and management among the stakeholders more efficient.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Benefits of Eating Raw Foods Essay -- essays research papers

Amanda is a twenty-something year old going to college in a big city. She lives in one of the identical shoebox-sized dorm rooms with a room mate. She wakes up in the early afternoon each day and shuffles to her first class. By the time her classes are over for the day she is famished and feels utterly empty of any sustenance. She looks around for the nearest place that she could get as much food as she wants for the least amount of money possible. She sees the dining hall of her university, but they only serve realistic portions of reasonably healthy food for a not completely reasonable price. Not what she?s looking for. She then decides to hop into her old, but reliable car and drive to the nearest McDonalds to satisfy the raging hunger within her. She orders a Big Mac, then another, with extra large fries, a large soda and two apple pies. She devours the food with animal like savageness. Soon she is bloated and miserable. Her stomach is so full that she must unbutton her already bursting at the seams jeans. She drives back to the residence hall and plops on her bed to take a nice long nap after that exhausting meal. When she wakes, she immediately clutches her stomach writhing in pain. When it?s all over she lay there covered in sweat, her head pounding and splitting at the same time and yet again completely empty of sustenance. ?Something has to change,? she thinks to herself. Amanda then starts to eat foods completely opposite her usual diet. She has more energy throughout the entire day. She needs less sleep and feels more rested when she wakes up. Her mind is clear and answers come to her quickly without having to search her memory. She no longer has headaches or any other body aches. She loses all of the excess and s... ...d and knife. That?s it! You save time and money and are all the better for it! Eating only raw food also benefits the environment. It takes far less land to raise raw foods than animals, which conserves natural habitats. Eating only raw food produces far less trash to pollute the environment than cooked and processed foods. Think of all of the packaging that goes to food. All of the trees cut down for paper packaging and all of the oil used to create plastic packaging. Most of it just gets thrown away and pollutes the environment. The process of making plastic alone pollutes the environment. The gases and smoke from the factories billow up into the air and then into our lungs, or off to destroy the O-zone. So in conclusion, eating only raw and vegan foods not only has outstanding benefits to your health and appearance, but it benefits the world around you as well.

Comparing Different Types of Love in William Shakespeares Romeo and Ju

Comparing Different Types of Love in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet The three different examples of love between Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Rosaline and Paris and Juliet do share some similar aspects, but they also have their own differences. These three different types of love show us the variations of love and how it can mask itself into different forms. Romeo's 'love' for Rosaline. He was portrayed as a Petrarchan lover and his 'love' was simply an infatuation. He did not take time to know Rosaline or understand her, but thought that he truly loved her. In actual fact, he was only attracted to her because of her beauty; "The all-seeing sun/Ne'er saw her match since first the world begun." Romeo knows that Rosaline does not love him, that the relationship is not mutual. Romeo became depressed when he realised that Rosaline did not love him. He was moody and withdrawn. His use of oxymorons such as "bright smoke, cold fire, sick health" shows his uncertainty and confusion of this 'love' he has for Rosaline. Romeo's love for Rosaline is clearly infatuation, which really is not true love. Similarly, we question Paris' 'love' for Juliet. Did he really love her? His love for Juliet was not as straightforward. He did not even know Juliet, probably falling for her beauty rather that loving her for who she really was. It was probably superficial, but we cannot completely ignore his attempts to show 'love'. He risks his reputation as a noble by visiting Juliet's grave in the dead of the night so secretly and suspiciously. Also, when Romeo kills him he asks to be put in her tomb, "If thou be merciful, Open the tomb, lay me with .. ...d be one that was approved and acknowledged. Not like the one between Romeo and Juliet, where the choice to get wedded was based purely on their own decision and not one that was consulted with their own parents. Compared with Romeo's love for Rosaline, his best friends knew about it, Benvolio having found out when he spoke to Romeo, and probably telling Mercutio. It wasn't a total secret but was kept hidden from his parents. It is obvious that the love Romeo has for Juliet is true and deep, it is also reciprocated, unlike the one between Romeo and Rosaline, and Paris and Juliet. Also, the three relationships showed signs of hastiness and rashness, which resulted in a short-lived and rather brief relationship. However, the love did affect the characters in some way or other and had changed Romeo into a better person.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Mt. Ashland Ski Area Expansion Essay -- Environmental Issues

It’s a sunny October afternoon and I’m listening to the breeze gently rustle the tree tops above me. I look down into the creek as I sit here munching on some cashews, and I see trout gliding effortlessly through the crystal-clear water. I revel in how incredibly lush the area is†¦although it’s been a dry summer the ground is still moist, plants are bright and colorful, and wildlife is abound. After I finish my snack and tuck my trash away into my backpack, I continue my hike up this parcel of land that may soon become barren with towers of steel and wire draping the landscape†¦that’s if the Mt. Ashland Association (MAA), a non-profit organization that operates the Mt. Ashland ski area, gets their way. The MAA is looking to start a planned expansion of the area in late 2012. They plan to clear cut 70+ acres of old growth to pave way for more advanced slopes and a sparkly-new lodge. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ski area expansions are the most ecological damaging task that an area can undertake. In a plan revision for the White River National Forest in Colorado, regarding the Copper Mountain Ski Resort expansion, the EPA hammers that point home when they say that â€Å"†¦no other land management prescription on the Forest directly results in more stream-water depletion, wetland impacts, air pollution, permanent vegetation change, or permanent habitat loss†¦ more wetland impacts and stream depletions resulted from ski area expansion and improvement than from all other Forest management activities combined, including many direct and indirect impacts that are permanent (irreversible and irretrievable).† Meanwhile, skier numbers nationally have only increased just two percent since 1978 says, (source). Whic... ...'D' On Environmental Scorecard." Ashland Daily Tidings [Ashland, OR], 26 Nov. 2008, n. pag. Web. 23 Feb. 2012. "Saving the Pacific Fisher." Center for Biological Diversity. Center for Biological Diversity., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2012. United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Tenmile Recreation Path Environmental Assessment. [Summit County, Colorado.:] U.S. Forest Service, Dillion Ranger District [2011] Web. 24 Feb. 2012. Wright, Bruce. "A Question of Balance." Ashland Resource Center [Ashland, OR], 7 Sept. 2011, n. pag. Web. 24 Feb. 2012.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ebay Case Study Essay

1. Describe EBay’s culture using the six characteristics describes in the prescribed text book according to the Corporate culture Index. Organisation Culture can be defined as a system of shared beliefs and behaviours such as; the language they use in the organisation, values systems, feelings and attitudes among each other and the interaction and norms of the members in the organisation. This determines how the company, employees and management interact and proceed with business transactions. An organisation’s culture develops mostly over time (Luthans, 2005). This set of beliefs is build within an organisation to create a sense of relation to employees and sometimes also consumers, it can be said that corporate culture is symbolic and identifies the organization as self. Corporate/organisational culture helps the organisation to achieve goals in their own way. A set of 20 cultural factors was developed by Henry Miglione, termed â€Å"Corporate culture index† (Brown and Harvey, 2006) The corporate culture index was developed to measure an organisations culture. These cultural factors include the following characteristics: Member Identity: Can be defined as the extent to which an employee indentifies with of within the organisation, taking into consideration their job and field of profession. Team Emphasis: The degree to with employees is able to work together as a team rather than  focusing on individual responsibilities, tasks and activities. People Focus: This involves the extend to which employees are empowered within the organisation. Autonomy: This involves the degree of independent and coordinated operation of the different departments within an organisation. Control: How rules, regulations and direct supervision is used to control employee behaviour that leads to better performance, and to what extent. Risk Tolerance: The motivation and encouragement employees receive from the organisation to be more aggressive, innovative, challenging and risk seeking to improve performance and development within the organisation. Describing EBay’s corporate culture trough using the 6 characteristics mentioned above. Member Identity: The working environment is casual and informal. Employees know what is expected from them and what they need to do. They stay focused on their goals. With the casual and informal atmosphere employees are able to identify with the organisation easier as they feel at home. In the case study the organisational vision and mission is outlined ant this would make it easier for the employees to identify with the organisation if they know what their working towards or standing for. They feel comfortable in their working environment and this leads to a better sense of identifying with their working environment/organisation. Team Emphasis: Employees work every day, they understand that a daily contribution is necessary to reach the organisations goals, they even ‘shop talk’ in the tearoom. People Focus: EBay empower staff by making them brand executives that makes them brand orientated. Employees have freedom within the office to do their work in a casual and comfortable environment to enhance performance. Autonomy: The department or brand executive is responsible for the specific happenings in the department. Every department operates in a coordinated manner to assure threat every purchase is handled with the upmost importance. Whitman  is all about bottom line approach and performance. Control: Employees know what’s expected from them, the informal culture gives the employees a sense of comfort that can lead to better performance, although the approach is still corporate it stays comfortable. There is no stick control. Employees are left to do their jobs without direct supervision. Employees have a drive to do their jobs as expected from them. The departments do not depend on one another so they know they are responsible for the completion of their responsibilities or tasks. Risk Tolerance: No risks were mentioned but referring to the case study and the departments employees will have a sense of competitiveness within the organisation against the different departments. EBay developed a target of internet users that they wanted to reach by the end of 2005. Their goals are innovative and reachable. 2. Briefly explain the socialisation process. Socialisation is the process where a new employee within the organisation learns and develops the skills, social knowledge, behaviour, norms and values that’s acceptable in the organisation. This usually follows after the introduction or training phase after an employee has been appointed, it can also be called learning the ropes. During socialisation an employee becomes aware of what is important in the organisation, what the organisation stands for and how things are being done. (Luthans, 2005) The socialisation process explained: New employee expectations New employees that join the organisation need to become aware of all the organisational norms, values and procedures of operation within the organisation. During this phase they need to be able to recognise it. This phase is easier handled when the new employee receives a mentor to help him/her through this process. (Brown and Harvey, 2006) The more the new employee adapts and learns the new culture the more comfortable they feel. Encounter organisational culture A new employee needs to learn their work group, and establish a relationship between the different members of group or team they work in. The new employee should understand and identify the way of functioning among the team members this includes the norms and values that’s used in the group. During this phase the new employee will develop positive relationships among colleges as well as support networks within the team or group. (Luthans, 2005) Adjustment to cultural norms The employee needs to accept the organisations culture and adapt to it. Responses to socialism can be identified into three different groups; they can reject the values and norms of the organisation and become rebellious, the new employee can accept only a few of the values and norms and make peace with the rest in time or the new employee can accept all the values and norms of the organisation and fully adapt and adjust to the organisational culture, that will lead to a comfortable employment and working atmosphere for the new employee. Result When an organisations culture is developed in such a positive way the employees will improve production and performance. The organisations climate and culture are set in place to develop a mission and vision in the organisation. Employees should be allowed to adapt to the norms of adapt it as a whole for the advantage of the organisation. (Brown and Harvey, 2006) 3. Bibliography Brown, D.R. and Harvey, D. (2006) An Experiential Approach to Organisational Development. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc. Luthans, F. (2005) Organisational Culture, Socialisation and mentoring. In: Luthans, F. Organisational behaviour. 10th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill Irwin, pp. 30-55.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Brand Update: Cadbury Dairy Milk For Shubh Aarambh Essay

Cadbury’s Dairy Milk has recently launched a new campaign † Shubh Aarambh† ( meaning Auspicious Beginning ). The campaign is the refined version of the earlier Payday campaign which evoked mixed response from the Ad analysts and consumers. The Shubh Aarambh campaign reinforces the occasion based positioning of Dairy Milk. The brand has been trying to position itself as a symbol of enjoyment and celebrations. Indians have the tradition of sharing sweets on auspicious occasions and also when one initiates a venture/activity. Whether the activity is small like writing an exam or huge like starting a company, sharing of sweets is an integral part of the event. The belief is that good things happen when one starts a venture on a positive note ( like sharing sweets). Dairy Milk very cleverly captured this tradition and incorporated into its brand story. The new campaign takes the brand to the center of this tradition linking Dairy Milk to Sweet and Auspicious Beginning. While the previous PayDay campaign was a narrow interpretation of the occasion based positioning , Shubh Aarambh has given the brand a broad playing ground. In my opinion, the brand has hit upon a really great Big Idea. The concept is very much Indian and offers huge opportunity for creatives to weave great stories for the brand. Watch the launch ad here : Shubh Aarambh The concept also gels with the brand’s tagline † Kuchch Meetha Ho Jaye â€Å". The launch campaign is targeted at younger generation and hence the brand added a little humor and twist into the campaign. Shubh Aarambh is a great idea for this great brand. It will be interesting to see how Dairy Milk milks this idea to the fullest.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Children and the hous Essay

Carver has been called a â€Å"dirty realist†. In what way do you think this can be applied to â€Å"Neighbors† and â€Å"They’re not your husband†?  I don’t think Carver’s work can really be stereotyped; it is certainly different from other fiction by other American writers, so I don’t think it can ever really be given a heading like â€Å"dirty realism†.  Even though the word â€Å"dirty† conjures pictures of filth, squalor and generally anything sexually different that people tend to shun, but in fact it almost has a double meaning- it doesn’t have to mean sordid- it’s almost a term for describing anything sexually explicit which might otherwise be thought unethical or immoral. â€Å"Neighbors† is a story which basically is an insight into someone else’s life- something that you would never normally know about that could be translated as interfering or an incredible lack of respect for other people and their belongings.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"They’re not your husband† is a portrayal of male behavior and how controlling it can sometimes be.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Neighbors† is a revealing insight into the life of a couple going through a particularly difficult stage in their relationship. The idea of such a trivial thing like feeding their friends’ cat is a particular trait of Carver’s- to use something incredibly mundane to blossom something amazing from something pretty boring and routine. The way Bill and Arlene break all the unwritten laws of society and therefore bring a new flame to their relationship is odd in itself, but when you think about it, it is an obvious way- to try on the lives of people who are happy and confident in their relationship, and copy it into yours. The non conformist way they behave is yet another style of Carver; to show us the way people behave when they know other people can’t see into their world or the way they are acting. I don’t think that this particular story is particularly dirty, even if it is slightly sexual- it is not particularly crude or off putting. It is quite subtle- for example, the way that they always use the excuse of â€Å"playing with Kitty† when they spend hours in the Stones’ flat, is reminiscent of felines, which can be portrayed as erotic or sexual, and it is such a pathetic excuse that it’s obvious it’s not true- but neither of them ever questions it, they seem to have a hidden bond which lets them understand each other perfectly, and I think this is why they don’t need to discuss anything when they go into the flat together. Although the Millers make the fatal mistake of leaving the key inside the house at the end of the story, it is too late, the image of perfect, routine middle- class life is broken. We realise that when we saw these people as a normal couple, mundane with no ups and downs in their lives, that we had only just scratched the surface. These people can behave just as badly as anyone else an although we do not see it, they are just as unlikely to conform to some perfect boring lifestyle than any of us. â€Å"They’re not your husband† is a frank description of how male behavior can lead to extremes when men are put under great pressure. This can often happen in relationships when the female is more successful than the male, yet is unlikely to happen in circumstances where the man is the breadwinner and a wife or partner is left at home to look after children and the house.  This statement is proved when Earl’s failure to get himself a job leads to his controlling behavior over his wife in a want of something to live for, a purpose in life. Earl enjoys having some influence over her life and the way he can make decisions for her- after all, he doesn’t really have any to make for himself. It gives him something to think about- ways to get her to lose more weight quickly, to make her an object of desire that he can be proud to be seen with. Earl seems to have no opinions or morals of his own- he relies on the opinions and gossip of other people to tell him whether his wife is attractive or not. He doesn’t seem to be able to tell that she has lost too mush weight- it is like he has lost slight control of his mind, similar to the way anorexics do, they believe they are still fat even when they are skeletal. Earl would like her to continue losing weight until he hears someone say that she looks good- then he would be satisfied. The language used in this story is much more crude and chauvinist than that used in â€Å"Neighbors†. When the two business men discuss Doreen, saying â€Å"Some men like their quim fat†, this is deliberately coarse and blunt to represent just how lightly it was said, and how shallow Earl must be to take it seriously instead of standing up for his wife and forgetting about it. Instead he walks out of the cafe, pretending not to know her to save himself embarrassment. The language they use is quite dirty, but this is not Carver’s own views- it is him trying to show how insincere and shallow people can be, and the seedy way they can behave. How 0men can judge a woman simply by her looks and completely ignore character. This is extremely realistic in the sense of how people are embarrassed to admit they are with somebody because they think they’re special, desperate for other people not to think worse of them because they like someone not considered to be up to the standards of others. It shows the appalling level that things can get to in a real- life situation without any of the family noticing much. IT takes outsiders to make a difference, good or bad. In both stories Carver uses â€Å"dirty realism† to give the audience an insight into the lives of real people- things that could actually happen and don’t revolve around some huge unrealistic drama like a lot of fiction does. However it is a lot more obvious in â€Å"They’re not your husband† than it is in â€Å"Neighbors†, simply because the language is that much more raw and unrefined. It is subtler in â€Å"Neighbors†, yet it is still there, and if anything, I find the subtlety more effective than the obvious, harsh language in â€Å"They’re not your husband†. In both stories the language is simple and unpolished, leaving the mind of the reader open to discover the seedy and immoral world he has based his characters in. It opens your eyes to see the world around us in the same way, which is slightly daunting and depressing, but probably a good thing in the long run as it lets us look at other people and realise how pointless their lives are.  I think Carver has been classed as a â€Å"dirty realist† simply for the reasons that he uses sex as to act as a part in the life of human beings which can be changed by something which doesn’t have to be very dramatic, making it realistic.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Pain Control During Infant Circumcision

Pain Control During Infant Circumcision Circumcision is a painful surgical procedure frequently performed on newborn baby boys and often without available pain relief measures being used. The procedure, especially without pain relief, can cause short-term effects such as choking, gagging, and vomiting. Long term effects of circumcision without pain relief are not well understood, however, an increased incidence of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) and/or periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) has been associated with pain and stress in the neonate (Leef, 2006). Crying time, facial expression, and sweating palms can indicate infant pain, as can increased heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure. Although these behavioral and physiological changes are present at other times, the infant usually displays them during a circumcision that is not accompanied with effective pain relief. This paper reviews various pain relief methods and current residency training practices regarding the use of analgesia during the circumcision procedure. Available treatments are used with the three most common circumcision surgical techniques: the Morgen clamp, the Gomco clamp, and the Plastibell method. Recent research suggests that the Morgen clamp is associated with a less painful procedure when compared with the other two (Leef, 2006; Yawman et al. , 2006). Preferred by trainees, the Morgen clamp is also faster to use than the Plastibell (Yawman et al. , 2006) and include local and topical pain relief methods, oral sucrose and oral acetaminophen. Dorsal penile nerve block (DPNB), which involves injecting anesthetic at the base of the penis, and subcutaneous ring block are the two most commonly used local anesthetics. Topically applied anesthetic creams include EMLA, a water-based cream that includes lidocaine and prilocaine. Although DPNB, ring block, and EMLA do not eliminate circumcision pain, all three are more effective than placebo or no treatment (Leef, 2006; Yawman et al. , 2006). Compared head to head, DPNB is substantially more effective than EMLA cream (Leef, 2006). However, DPNB can cause minor bruising, bleeding, or swelling at the injection site and EMLA can cause skin color changes or local skin irritation (Leef, 2006). When used alone during the entire surgical procedure, oral agents, such as sucrose and acetaminophen, have not been shown to be as effective when compared with either EMLA or DPNB (Leef, 2006). However, in 1998, Herschel et al. (as cited in Leef, 2006) found that when sucrose was compared with DPNB during â€Å"the initial time intervals of circumcision (surgical preparation, lateral clamping, lysis of adhesions) and the final period (excision of the foreskin and application of a dressing)† there was no significant difference in heart rate which suggests that sucrose is as effective as DPNB during these periods (Leef, 2006, p. 77). In 1991, Blass and Hoffmeyer (as cited in Leef, 2006) found that babies cried less often when given a sucrose-dipped pacifier compared to a water-dipped pacifier or no intervention when undergoing the procedure. Given these results, one can conclude that combining oral sucrose with DPNB would provide optimum pain relief. Since 1999, the American Aca demy of Family Physicians, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the American Academy of Pediatrics have all recommended the universal use of local or topical anesthetics during neonatal circumcision (Yawman et al. 2006). In order to find out if there has been an increase in residency programs that teach effective forms of analgesia for newborn circumcision since previous data collection in 1998, Yawman et al. (2006) conducted a survey of US residency programs in family practice (FP), pediatrics (PED), and obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) in April, 2003 (N=940). The results showed that only 82% taught newborn circumcision and that FP residents (95%) were more likely to be taught the procedure than either PED (49%) or OB/GYN (86%) residents. These findings were not significantly different from the 1998 study. Ninety-seven percent of the programs that taught newborn circumcision also taught effective anesthetic techniques. This is a 26% increase compared with the previous study (71%). However, only 84% of the responding programs reported that a topical or local agent was always or at least frequently used. There was a statistically significant difference among residency programs, which showed that 93% of PED, 86% of FP and 76% of OB/GYN programs frequently or always used analgesia. The previous study did not gather this data so a comparative analysis could not be performed (Yawman et al. , 2006). There are several limitations to the Yawman et al. (2006) study. The survey relies on accurate reporting by respondents who may overestimate the frequency of how often effective pain management is taught. In addition, the respondents gave their personal opinion, which reflected on the practices of a whole department of which they may not be fully informed. The respondents completing the survey likely differed from the individuals who responded in the 1998 survey. Last, the study only surveyed teaching hospitals and may not reflect the practices of other community hospitals In spite of these limitations, the results showed that 16% of the residency programs do not always or at least frequently use analgesic agents during the surgical circumcision procedure. Based upon the overwhelming evidence of the safety and benefit to newborns of effective analgesia during circumcision this particular statistic of the Yawman et al (2006) study is both surprising and bothersome. This implies that although the teaching of effective analgesic techniques during circumcision has increased over the years, implementation of these practices is not yet universal. Furthermore, physicians that were trained in programs that did not teach the use of analgesics for circumcision, as was the case for the majority of programs just 15-20 years ago, are not likely to use pain management in their current practice. Therefore, the actual number of infants needlessly subjected to the surgical procedure without effective analgesia use is currently unknown. Further research, which attempts to quantify this number, is needed. The results may be alarming enough to create a standard policy in all hospitals, which states that effective pain management is required for all newborn circumcisions. References Leef, K. H. (2006). Evidence-based review of oral sucrose administration to decrease the pain response in newborn infants. Neonatal Network, 25, 275-284. Yawman, D. Howard, C. R. , Auinger, P. , Garfunkel, L. C. , Allan, M. , & Weitzman, M. (2006). Pain relief for neonatal circumcision: a follow-up of residency training practices. Ambulatory Pediatrics, 6, 210-214.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Muslim Americans Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Muslim Americans - Research Paper Example Example: â€Å"Being Muslim in America† book contains a number of significant historic events about the Muslim Americans. Accordingly the first evidence of such Muslims visiting the United States of America dates back to the period of 1619 to 1800s (Curtis, 2009). Some other authors have recorded Muslim vendors voyaging to America even before 1500. History and development of the American Muslim Community It is believed that approximately 30percentage proportion of the total African individuals who were shipped to America as slaves during 1619 to 1800s period were Muslims. Some of these people joined the main stream economic activities of America after being released from the slavery. Example: in 1819 Yarrow (Mamout) Marmood was the property owner and bank investor in Georgetown (currently a part of Washington). And in 1907 the first Muslim organization in America was founded by the Tatar immigrants from Poland, Russia and Lithuania (pp 56). The first American Islamic associati on was founded in Michigan in 1919. Consequently many immigrants were employed in manufacturing plants. The first American Islamic religious building known as the Mother Mosque was built in 1934 in Iowa (pp 57). Gradual growth and expansion of Muslim America community is explicit in these records. Currently Muslims are believed to form a considerable proportion of the American society. According to the Pew Research Center statistics Muslim population in America amounted 2,595,000 in 2010. This figure attributed to approximately 0.8percentag proportion of the total population in the same year in America. According to the same source the Muslim population in the country will reach 4,150,000 while forming 1.2percentage proportion of the total population by the year 2020. However some sources states that there are above 7 million Muslim individuals living in America currently. American government does not record religious statistics in the population census. Thus a statistical jargon is created. According to the book â€Å"Being Muslim in America† vast majority of the Muslim individuals living in America are of South Asian i.e. Pakistani and Arabian origin respectively. Approximately 34percentage and 26percentage proportion of the total Muslim American population belongs to the above two categories respectively (pp 9). Impacts of expanding the Muslim American population The impact of Muslim community on American socio-economic sphere is drastically increasing despite the said theological or statistical jargons (ZAHEDI, 2011). The growing significance is evident in the contemporary races related socio-economic issues occurring in the country. Muslim culture, believes and even proliferation seems to have impacts on the large society (Bayoumi, 2011). According to book â€Å"Being Muslim in America† book 25 percentage proportion of the Muslim American population belongs to the indigenous American category. Thus it can be inferred that rate of converting to Muslim religion by the individuals who were born in non-Muslim families is high. This trend seems to have hurt some religions’ leaders and political activists. Hatred, despise and discrimination is rapidly growing in contemporary American society towards the Muslim America

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Potential impact of biotechnology on modern society Essay

Potential impact of biotechnology on modern society - Essay Example yeast cells have been genetically manipulated to produce vaccine against hepatitis B virus. myeloma cells and b-cells of immunized mice were hybridized to produce hybrid cells that consisted the characteristics of both the cells which were cell division and antibody production. following are the areas where biotechnology has done best.The maximum benefits to biotechnology have been utilized by health care. Biotechnology derived proteins and polypeptides from the new class of potential drugs. for ex insulin was primarily extracted from slaughter animals. since 1982 human insulin have been produced by micro organism in fermenters.some of the important products that have been produced are interferon for cancer and viral infection, human urokinase for plasminogen activator used in vascular disorder, insulin for treatment of diabetes, human factor for clotting for hemophilia, lymph lines for auto immune functioning, serum albumin in surgery, attenuated pseudo rabies virus antigen for vacc ine against rabies, tissue plasminogen activator in treatment of heart attack. Currently there are about 35 biotechnology derived therapeutics and vaccines approved by the USFDA alone for medical use, and more than 500 drugs and vaccines to reach in market . Agriculture:-biotechnology is making new ground in the food agriculture area. current public debate about BSTC, bovine somatotropin (a hormone administered to cows to increase the milk production).is an example of biotechnology product testing public acceptance. Food biotechnology valuable and viable alternatives to food problems, and a solution to nutritionally influenced disease such as diabetes, hypertension , cancer, heart diseases, arthritis etc.a transgenic golden rice have been produced by introducing three genes for the production of vitamin A in Taipei rice. A transgenic cotton named 'Inguard' was released in Australia which contain bt genes which provided resistance against insects. molecular farming is a new concept were therapeutic drugs are produced in farm animals for example therapeutics proteins secreted in goat milk. there are about dozen of countries that produce lactoferrin., tPA, hemoglobin, melanin, and interleukins in cows, goat and pigs. however it is not surprising that vegetables producing vaccines insulin interferon's and growth hormones would be available in market in 21st century, beside, human clones and several other miracles. Human genome project (HGP):- The major landmark in human history is the human genome sequence. the HGP is an international research development. almost the whole human genome has been sequenced and chromosome map has been developed in various labs World wide. objectives of human genome project are to :-construct the detail genetic and physical map of human genome, 1. determine the complete nucleotide sequence of human DNA, 2. store information in database, 3. locate the estimated 50,000-100,000 genes within the human genome 4. address the ethical, social, legal issues (ELSI )that may arise from the project, 5.perform similar analysis on the genomes of several other organisms. Environment:-the natural biodegrability of pollutants present in environment has increased with the use of biotechnology. the bioremediation